Monday, May 18, 2009

Getting started in Nampula

One of the essential items for setting up a home (especially since my belongings from the US are still somewhere on the high seas), is a new set of baskets. The Feira de Domingo (Sunday Market) has all sorts of treasures to choose from - baskets, wood carvings, ivory jewelry, wood and rattan furniture, used and new clothes, coconut graters, charcoal 'stoves' and a variety of other household items. These are a few of my baskets and also a shell we use for a soap dish.

This pix is of the Save the Children office - not sure why the green since Save's logo is red but it does make it easy to point out to people where the office is (addresses are minimal here).

Here are some friends playing with Salva in the backyard of our house under the coconut tree. Gali and Ernestito love to do pull ups, run around and create hopscotch grids in our back patio.

Here we are having Sunday lunch at a restaurant/tourist center called Bamboo, a few kilometers outside Nampula. Ernesto and Silvia are Gali and Ernestito's parents and have been fabulous guides for helping us find our way here in Nampula. Silvia is from Guatemala and Ernesto from Bolivia - they've been here 2 years working with the UN.

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